▶ ︎ provides the customer with information on what he considers to be the most important issues to be developed and takes care of them
▶ ︎ agrees for digital remote sales meeting whenever needed
▶ ︎ handles negotiations
▶ ︎ agrees for export sales.
His/her product and customer knowledge is already accumulating during our fixed-term hiring contract, after which our customers may hire him/her.
Our EXPERIENCED EXPORT MANAGER works more on tasks based on fixed-term contract related to long- or short-term projects. He/she is able to handle more demanding export tasks than our export educated expert. The duties of an experienced export manager are always agreed separately on a case-by-case basis together with the export company.
The scope of our export experts' tasks is always defined on the basis of the export company's needs. We have, for example, a BASIC, PLUS or PREMIUM export expert hiring package, which includes suitable export tasks.
Export educated experts
International trade experts by continent who successfully completed our export education programmes...
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